February 9, 2007

This is pretty much why I created this blog

Helleh. That's a palindrome.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream in which I was at some kind of zoo. I met a talking lion(not Aslan!) in the barn. He told me he didn't want to get out of the zoo so much as he'd just like more time outside. He was only alloted an hour outside in the evenings. So I helped him get out for a while. When I was in the barn later, I looked at the horses. Every second stall was empty. The horses that were there were all incredibly depressed, and this was causing them to get skin diseases. They looked like their faces were rotting and you could see muscle and bone. The reason every second stall was empty was because those horses were too depressed to even be born.

And more recently, I had a dream about some kind of travelling 'freak show'. The people in it had no skin. One guy had this sort of film growing over him, but it wasn't skin. He had a beard and it grew over the beard. There were many people showing up. I was the only one who noticed the skinless people weren't particularly overjoyed to be there. I was wondering why people were showing up and not doing anything to help. They just stared. I was trying to figure out what they were thinking. Was it that they wanted to know their lives weren't actually that bad? Did they just want to have a feeling of being better in some way?

It crossed my mind that these dreams are connected, in that they both involve someone being put on display, that same someone being depressed, decaying flesh or a lack of flesh, and me being the only person who cares. O'brien has pointed out that while the people on exhibition are isolated, in that(almost) no one cares about them, I too am isolated in that I'm the only one who cares.

1 comment:

Nils said...

Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas.