February 8, 2007

I can't get stopped

One of the things I have to do with my life is inform the public of the full name of the piano. The full name is pianoforte, which means softloud. The earlier harpsichord could only play forte. So the name pianoforte is derived from the original italian name for the instrument, gravicèmbalo col piano e forte, literally meaning 'harpsichord with soft and loud'. So if you think about it, pianoforte is itself an abbreviation, meaning piano is an abbreviation of an abbr.

I have been playing the sax for about two months now. I'm trying to learn a bunch of songs so I can, you know, know a bunch of songs. The two I'm currently working with are Blues for Alice by Charlie Parker and Epistrophy by Melodious Thunk. Once I get them I'll most likely post mp3's here to sort of guage my progress.

I have discovered a chord that I like very much. It's the maj9-5. Below are two ways of playing it on a guitar, but the voicings are a bit strange in that they each contain only one root note.

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