July 3, 2008

The Yanks did'n invade....

I was supposed to get my wisdom teeth out today, but it turned out the dentist didn't even know if it was necessary! So I have to consult my ortho tomorrow.

In cooler news, I had a two-hour sax lesson with Jason the other day. We went over phrasing, breathing, articulation, and other important things. I've practiced a lot in the two days since, and it's hard work! I don't get bored, but I get overheated (sax playing is not particularly cooling) and tired. I have a lot of things to think about, and a lot of tunes I want to learn. I was thinking of learining Segment by Charlie Porker, and I worked with it a lot, but those quick ii-V7-i's get me! I can already play the melody for Autumn Leaves, and I pretty much have the changes memorized, so I'll work on solidifying that tune tomorrow. I also need to work on Cousin Mary, cauz it's a fave, but I still don't have it down.

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