October 20, 2007

Where am I?

Why have I not written ene-thing in two months, you may ask. Well, that's not a valid question, because I have been writing outside of this blog. I have a life outside of you demanding leeches!!

I have been attending a school in the west end, City School, which is located within the King George school building. I am actually taking classes for pretty much the first time ever, English among them. This is where my writing has been going. Each week we are required to write a journal, usually on a topic that is chosen for us. The best ones so far have been 'A social outcast' (which I wrote about Prickle from Gumby Adventures), 'Musical hooks' (my choice), and 'My imaginary friend.' I will post all of these here.

I'm listening to 'Midnite Vultures' by Beck. I discovered that there are two other fellow-fans of this album at City School among the thirty or so students in attendance.

For art class, or rather in place of it, I am organizing a Coffee House with my new business partner, Tamlyn. It will feature music, poetry reading and, of course, COFFEE! I am planning on performing solo guitar pieces, which I will have to write, and jazz. I actually wrote one the guitar pieces yesterday - the whole thing. This is like a miracle for me! I used a riff I created a few months ago, and the ending is quite Yes-ish. It will appear either here or on glissando as soon as it's recorded. I have already performed it for The Fab and Sarrah, who both enjoyed it, in all its mercurial glory.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I waited two long painful months just to read about some things that happened to you that I already knew about. You do realize that I am probably the only person who checks this blog every single day. You might say I depend on it. I am this blogs biggest and only fan! So I have to wonder why it is that you're even bothering to write about the same shit that you know that I know! I demand satisfaction sir!

Bishop said...

How could you possibly have known that I was listening to 'Midnite Vultures' at that exact moment?

Anonymous said...

I am always watching you.

Bishop said...

Then how could I possibly write a blog entry that wouldn't bore you, since you are aware, at all times, what I've been getting up to?

Anonymous said...

You got me there. But I still demand a better entry.