August 1, 2007

I love her, but she kills me.

Last wednesday, Liam, Melissa and I all gathered at Fab's place, with Fab in attendance, to jam. Liam brought his djembe(hand drum), and I brought my sax and guitar effects. Our first effort was recorded onto a small walkman with a condenser mic, and included me on sax, Liam on djembe, and Fab and Melissa on two separate keyboards. The walkman, however, decided it wanted a solo of its own all the way through. A noise solo. We then decided to just head for park and tilford plaza--an hour-long walk--to get wedge fries. Park and tilford (PT) is a ten-minute walk from the old Windsor House, so we would usually buy wedge fries every day. We now go there at least once a year.

Anyhow, Liam and I had both left our instruments at Fab's, so we decided to pick them up the next day. Luckily, we ended up there at the same time, allowing us to jam some more. It was all very atmospheric and meditative, and we even employed a basic polyrhythm in one piece. Fab, with his riches, treated us to lunch at Belgian Fries, where we split a deep-fried mars bar before returning to jam more. We'll need a better recording device next time, maybe the portastudio.

Sam, Melissa and I convened once again at Fab's place on monday, but unfortunately it went nowhere except Belgian Fries again. This time, we tried the deep-fried ice cream. Better not tempt a third visit for at least six weeks. My arteries are already having a party.

And one more time, I went to Fab's yesterday to record our reverb-soaked rendition of Equinox by John Coltrane, available on the latest Glissando entry. I was more than impressed with Fab's ability to play the bassline and the chords at the same time, and then play a solo over the chords. As for my own playing, I think the second chorus of my opening solo just may be my finest hour.

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