Well, I'll tell you all about the recording front this past little while, because unusually, there has been a recording front lately.
I'll just tell you first off that none of these compositions will be appearing here any time soon, so don't get too excited. The first came together from a number of unlikely sources. When I'm trying to sleep, sometimes something will pop into my head. Sometimes music, sometimes something else that I feel inclined to write down for some reason, such as the sentence, "Move it, you fascinating sky." Anyhow, one day something in 3/4 with two guitars popped into my head. I got up and figured it out, wrote it down and forgot about it. A week or two later, I was thinking about generic fucked up circus music in 3/4 and I went to the forte. I figured out this little thing involving really not-so-chord-ish chords that I've since learned are called 'tone clusters'. I realised that the guitar parts would fit over it! Then, I guess not long after, I was listening to the sweet hard-partying sounds of Greed by Swans and enjoying the rhythmic, repetitive nature of it. As soon as it was over, I quickly wrote a sax part and recorded the whole thing. Why isn't it ready? a. I didn't use a click track, which means I will need to retake the whole thing. b. It needs development. Repetition without development, in this case anyway, would bore your brain out. In a live context, however, I'm sure you would find it appealing.
The second is basically two tracks of bass feedback at two different pitches. It's five minutes long. I guess I need to play something over it, but even if I don't, it's pretty soothing.
The third is quite similar to the first. It has a two-note bassline and mid-range forte chords, first executed in a staccato manner, then a sustained manner. A dreamy guitar clothes what we'll call the middle section. And over all this....an electric drill. Maybe I'll find a way of fusing all three pieces together.
O'brien and I took a trip to the anime store at metrotown the other day. There was a hell of a lot of stuff there, despite how small it was. I will be returning soon!
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so im leaving you a comment. only thing is, as cool as all this music sounds, i wont understand until i hear it...
in more...important news, my anthology for writer's craft got published, finally, and i'm very excited to say that i submitted one of the poems to be displayed in a store window (for an installation called STREET), and it got accepted!
anyhow. newest news goin.
That's wonderful news! I just read this entry - sorry it took me so long to get around to saying CONGRATULATIONS. Send documentation if poss'
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