April 3, 2007


Occupant is one year old as of yesterday! But you can read all about that on the Occupant site, of course.

So, last night I had a dream wherein I guess I was watching things unfold, but in the first person. From the perspective of some kind of agent guy, like Dick Tracy or something. But certainly not Dick Tracy. It took place in the practice space of some heavy rock group. The first thing I remember is Dick walking into a bathroom where the bassist was. Dick pulled out a gun, and the bassist brandished one. Dick said, "That thing's not loaded". I think the bassist was planning on killing himself. He started ranting about something and getting very pissed off. He ended with "Maybe I should juss kill you right now--" and Dick shot him through the eye. Later, I saw the rest of the band talking about how the bassist had killed himself. They didn't seem surprised. Then they tried to rehearse without him, but they just fell apart. It was like seeing a balloon deflate violently.

I had a sax lesson today. I always warm up by playing Amazing Grace. It's a good tune to warm up with because you can hold the notes as long as you want, and change it with total ease because it's simple. It's also a good way to improve your tone. Anyway, Colin told me to play it in every key. And practice every major scale. This is something I've been avoiding for the last couple of weeks, but now that he's told me directly I'd better.


Anonymous said...

Finally a new entry. It took ya long enough! JEEEEZZZ!
By the way, Hurry up and add Bolly to
Glissando you silly little man.

Anonymous said...

go ridley blog!
I thought you said you had a sex lesson...
glove! (I think you'll know who I am)